Thor Olesen
thorolesen14 at gmail dot com

I am a Computer Science PhD student at UCLA under professor Jens Palsberg, doing research in Systems focused on Programming Languages, Quantum Computing, and Software Engineering.

In the past, I worked as a senior software engineer at The Org, where I was responsible for the data team that built distributed recommender systems and data engineering pipelines in Scala, Python, and AWS.

I am interested in Programming Languages, Quantum Computing, Computer Systems, and Software Engineering. How can we design and build programming languages and software engineering tools to make people more productive.

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I do research in programming languages, quantum computing, systems, and software engineering. I am researching how to design and build high-level quantum languages to democratize access to quantum computing. I am also using machine learning to drive better program analysis to help developers find more actual bugs in their code and reduce false positives. Finally, I build software engineering tools for developer productivity (e.g., program analysis to manage Python dependencies).


University of California, Los Angeles: CS 132 Compiler Construction , 2024 Teaching Assistant

University of California, Los Angeles: CS 238 Quantum Programming , 2024 Teaching Assistant

IT University of Copenhagen: Linear Algebra and Probability , Spring 2020 Teaching Assistant

IT University of Copenhagen: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence , Spring 2019 Teaching Assistant

IT University of Copenhagen: Algorithm Design , Fall 2019 Teaching Assistant

IT University of Copenhagen: Functional Programming , Spring 2018 Teaching Assistant

IT University of Copenhagen: Programming Languages , Fall 2017 Teaching Assistant

IT University of Copenhagen: Distributed Systems , Fall 2017 Teaching Assistant


Evolutionary Planning In Latent Space
Thor Olesen (first author) , Dennis Tinh Tan Nguyen,
Rasmus Berg Palm, Sebastian Risi,
EvoApps, 2021   (Oral Presentation)
github project / arXiv / driving video / springer / peer-reviewed pdf paper

Showing how to do evolutionary planning in latent space using a learned world model.

Credit to owner of web page template.